Sunday 3 June 2012

Popooree (bumped for addage)

Golden Demon 1987

Scarabs size comparison

Astianacte, Titán Warhound

Partizan 2012
The Fight at Queniborough Partizan 2012

Des nouveautés Legacy Miniatures

Cavalleria neapolitana

Sidney "Dirty Laugh" Cohen

Wood House In The Desert - by Papermau - Next Project

Star Wars` Incom T-65 X-Wing Fighter - by Sirius Replicas

Viking Ship Paper Model In 1/72 Scale - by Kallboys

Banshee Spaceship From Starcraft 2 - by Poppaper1

Cashmere House Paper Model In HO Scale - by Papermau

Skaven Queek Headtaker

Dark Eldar Scourge

Who’s Got The Map? Malifaux Tournament photo gallery

Dystopian Wars update 3

Collecting John Pickford: More Foundry Halfling rumours

Kubla Con game report ... of sorts
From the Desk: KublaCon, London, and Distractions


Really Pre Heresy Thousand Sons :-)

White out: Forgeworld Demon Prince

Lords of the flies

Lock and Load Day 2: Iron Painter and Iron Arena

Privateer Press goes Extreme…

Dystopian Wars Game


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Whoops !!!

    Sorry Scott, cock-up on the deleting front :( !!!

    Yup, pleasure to post the DW table, looked a great game ... as they often do :) !!!

