Monday, 26 March 2012

Water Born

TerranScapes - Shore Board and Bridges - Hirst Arts

Casting Call

Warlord games casting warehouse, Worthy Painting


How to paint a Imperial Guard Chimera Tank Part 1
How to paint a Imperial Guard Chimera Tank Part 2

Your Cup Cleaneth Upeth

Cleaning Dried Paint Cups

Pop It Good !!!

Surgery Series 3: Mystery! Pop the Top 2/4


How to Mix Citadel Paint for Airbrushing


Review: Menta Modellbau-Elfenmauer


Where I am at with the studio


How I Base My Minis!


The Colour of Insidious Madness... part 5
The Colour of Insidious Madness... part 4
The Colour of Insidious Madness... part 3
The Colour of Insidious Madness... part 2
The Colour of Insidious Madness... part 1

Under Your Coat

Undercoating – A journey


Warmill Portable Utility Pod Review


Introduction to Vassal
Infinity and Vassal
VASSAL Tutorial - Playing Warmachine/Hordes Online

Quiet Now At the Back

Painting Class: Part 1

On Them

Micro Art Studio Status Markers #1 Review


Green Stuffin’: Making Cobblestone Bases

Goodness !!!

Good: Friday – Competition Time!!

Bringing It

New Asphyxious the Hellbringer Artwork


Warmachine: Retribution Vyre 'Jacks unboxing

Rabbit, Rabbit, Paint

This Week in 40K Podcasting – 3/16/2012 – 3/22/2012


Step-By-Step Imperial Guard Vehicle (Sentinel)


PK-Pro - New Etched Brass


Mantic Games - Veer-Myn Army List and Dossier

Popooree Refill 2


VBCW: Battle for Alverley

GCT Studio - The Slaver

Otherworld Miniatures - New Releases

Raging Heroes - Blood Vestals Preview

Pre Depticon Round 2 pics!
Tournament Wrap Up: Pre-Depticon Pics and Results!

Defiance Games - Assembled USMC
Defiance Games - Alien War USMC Sprue Pictures

Remarkably Detailed Grey Knights Stormraven!

Cuts like Lightning! Fantastic Night Lords Rhino

Moebius Cylon Raider to Necron Night Scythe Conversion Guide

British Paratroopers vs German Panzergrenadiers

New Display Boards / Hobby Organization

ESCI Panther Endex

Showcase: Space Wolves Long fang pack 2
Showcase: Space Wolves Long fang pack 1

 Showcase: Orc and Goblin Giant

 Dark Eldar Baron conversion

 Polish Dragoon regiment dismounted miniatures


How to paint the new Minotaurs chapter symbol

Massive Attack

Mass Effect Miniatures: The Generic Bad Guys!

In A Brush

Tutorial - How to keep your brushes clean

Painting Ponderings

How to lose at Golden Demon?

Always Believing

Albino Suarus WIP Part 2 - Painting Gold



Popooree Refill


Rough Practicing

Wessex Games purchases Urban Beat police line

Fireforge Games previews Templar Knights Cavalry

PuppetsWar has new Blessed OmniRetinue
PuppetsWar has new Cyber Arthropod Squad

Kobblestone Miniatures has new row house terrain

BaneLegions now has a bits order service

Jan Skrzetuski
Pancerna pięść
Doborowy pułk jazdy - koronny

Stronghold Terrain has new Breeding Pool

Pinkerton posse

Introducing Sir Roland the Gray....errrr Green
A new Knight...The Eagle

Breaking in the Mech City

Merican Lancers Lord Commander Vilhelm Ellsworth

Pictures from an exhibition - Tempus Fugitives Age of the Emperor 2012

Back in the line of fire

D-Day Commission Project

28mm foundry painted as Grenzer

Vampire Counts Tomb Banshee

TSA Annual ACW weekend 2012
Twilight Wildlife - Lead Painter`s League Round 3
TSA Annual ACW weekend 2012: Day 2

Repair and Rework I - Gladiator bust