Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Do you do ships?

Shizuoka Hobby Show

Now That Is An Art and Art

Neo's Foiling Tutorial

Great Work

Warhammer Arvus "scaleup" project(1/20)
Arvus Lighter Build

IMG 4474

Well Past 60,000 Reads (hardly counting me) !!! :) :) :)

Well, we have had it almost all, in this 5000, from ignoble scammers ... to fully-understandable GoogleRSSreaders (BTW, can you see the pics?).

But, most of all, we have had you all coming in and sharing and building, what the blog has become and where it is going. Welcome to all new readers, posters, browsers (heck, even you scammers ;) ) and here is to the magical 70,000s :)

Great work (and fun, I hope) folks.

The Colonel.

Derbyfication 2011 (bumped for super additions)

Derby World Wargames – Saturday

Got ANOTHER day pass

Secrets of the third reich.... Derby GT & show review

Derby World Wargames – Games and Goodies


They Work Like This

It came from beneath the sands…

Pooling Resources

We dive into the Flickr Pool

Green Gloopity Gloop 2

Review: Liquid Green Stuff

Airbrush Ponderings

Airbrush woes resolved!!


Citroën Type 45 fin du diorama


Ainsty Casting - New 28mm Ships

A Jewel

Sapphire Wars - New Norsguard Preview

Expose Yourself

Painting for Tournaments, Part 6: Displays

Tiny, Tidy and Fun to Play - I Bet

Meltdown and Mech carnage

Clan Aerospace Fighter

Armies on Parade - Borrowed

Armies on Parade- Daily Gallery

What Dwarf Project?

White Knight's (not so) Secret Dwarf Project - part 4