Friday, 25 February 2011

Paint it Cheap

Gaming on a Budget: Scoring Paint on the Cheap

What a Corker!

Tutorial: Cheap and unique bases using cork!

You Tube community project ~ Adeptus Astartes from The Colonel (Part 8)

Early banner art practice ...

You Tube community project ~ Adeptus Astartes from The Colonel (Part 7)

Justice Approaches...

Very nice dragon piece

High Elf Mage On Dragon

Nice weather for ...

Gimiak's SRG log - day 9: Further weathering - part one

Gimiak's SRG log - day 10: Further weathering - part two

Gimiak's SRG log - day 11: Finishing main body

Well, I like the big-mouthed b***ers

New Bad Thing

Bambaboss in a diving suit by Motorbot

Nice tutorial

Mega-tutorial: How I painted 54mm Verthandi